WSPMS Library
-----Take your library wherever you may go!
Start Getting Ready for Summer Reading
Browse and shop the February Cashless Book Fair (2/7 - 2/21)
Sort through your personal library and find middle school books that you've already read and would like to donate to our end of year, summer reading Book Exchange (takes place 5/27-5/30). (Donations may be brought to the school library beginning the last week of February, more details coming soon).
Start making a list of books you want to read. Ask your friends for recommendations.
Find great books in our first ever Book Exhange in the library at the end of May.
February 7th (Winterfest) through February 21st.
NOTE: We'll be OPEN during Conferences February 17th, noon until 7pm.
See more details on our "Cashless Book Fair" (Works much better in Safari browser) page.
Payment Methods:
eWallets (very easy to set up) - You can do it now!
Credit/Debit Cards
📚 Reading is Your Window to the World 📚
We encourage our parents and students to have great conversations about the books they are reading.
Here is a short video tutorial for parents and students
"How to log in to the student's Destiny Library Catalog account."
Ways to Be A Part of YOUR Library Here at Pence:
The More YOU Read, the Better YOU Read, and the More Fun It Is To READ!
Library Policies
Check out one to four books at any one time. You may keep each one up to two weeks.
If you check out a book that is not a good fit for you, or your parents are not comfortable with you reading it, please return it and find another one that you can enjoy! Our library serves students from age 10-14 with a wide range of maturity levels and life experiences so we know that all books will not be a good fit for all students.
Place a book on HOLD, to get in the queue (this is a "pending hold") if it is not currently available. Let us know if you need help with this.
Be responsible and return your books on or before the due date. You may request to renew your book by bringing it into the library for Ms. Hall or Mrs. Alumbaugh to renew for two more weeks.
Handle all books gently and keep in a safe, clean and dry place, so others may enjoy them after you return them.
If books are damaged or lost while checked out to you, you are responsible to pay for them. Please come talk with us, don't let this keep you from using the library.
Feel free to talk with Ms. Hall if you have any questions, observations or suggestions.
Read, Read, Read.... because the more you read, the better you read, and the more fun it is to read! Get in the ZONE!